中国人民解放军陆军炮兵防空兵学院(陆军炮兵防空兵学院,PLA Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense),创建于2017年,坐落于安徽省合肥市,是一所承担炮兵、防空兵指挥军官培训任务的高等教育院校,同时也是承担研究生教育、士官教育、外国军事留学生培训、现职干部轮训和优秀士兵保送入学学员培训等任务的多用型军事院校。 2017年,中国人民解放军陆军炮兵防空兵学院在原中国人民解放军陆军军官学院(原解放军炮兵学院)[1]、中国人民解放军南京炮兵学院[2]、中国人民解放军防空兵学院、中国人民解放军沈阳炮兵学院的基础上组建而成,属副军级编制。
PLA Army Artillery Air Defense Academy
The PLA Army Academy generally refers to the PLA Army Artillery Air Defense Academy
Military academy
Army Artillery institute of air-defence unit of the Chinese people's liberation Army (PLA Army Army Artillery is difficult college, Academy of Artillery and Air Defense), founded in 2017, is located in hefei, anhui province, is a responsible for Artillery, difficult command officer training in higher education institutions, and to undertake postgraduate education, petty officer education, foreign military students training, incumbent cadres training in rotation and good soldier walks entrance students training tasks such as multi-functional military academies. In 2017, the army of the Chinese people's liberation army artillery institute of air-defence unit in the original institute of the Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) army officer (formerly the people's liberation army artillery college) [1] [2], the Chinese people's liberation army nanjing artillery college, college of air-defence unit of the Chinese people's liberation army, the Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) established on the basis of shenyang artillery academy, is a deputy heads.
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