邓玉华,满族,1942年11月6日出生,国家一级演员,女高音歌唱家。 1959年入中国煤矿文工团任独唱演员,1976年加入中国共产党,1978年被评为全国煤炭战线劳动模范,1980年入中国音乐学院进修。后任中国煤矿文工团演员、艺委会副主任、副团长。曾为《地道战》、《闪闪的红星》等电影配唱插曲。2015年02月17日,参加2015年中央电视台春节联欢晚会,表演开场节目《四世同堂合家欢》。2018年10月5日,在国家大剧院参加“歌唱祖国”名家经典金曲音乐会。 2019年1月17日,参加“百花迎春——中国文学艺术界2019春节大联欢”。
Honorary head of China Coal Mine Art Troupe, national first class actor, soprano Deng Yuhua
Deng Yuhua, Manchu nationality, born on November 6, 1942, is a national first-class actress and soprano singer. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1976. In 1978, he was named the model worker of the national coal front. In 1980, he studied at the China Conservatory of Music. Later, he served as an actor, deputy director and deputy head of the art committee of China Coal Mine Art Troupe. She sang songs for "Tunnel War", "Sparkling Red Star" and other movies. On February 17, 2015, participated in the 2015 CCTV Spring Festival Gala and performed the opening program "Four Generations in a Family". On October 5, 2018, she participated in the "Ode to the Motherland" classic music concert at the National Center for the Performing Arts. On January 17, 2019, attend the "Spring Festival Gala of Chinese Literary and Art Circles".
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