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2023-11-25 18:27 来源:云缪生活 点击:


Twice cooked spicy pork slices


Twice cooked spicy pork slices is one of the famous dishes in Sichuan province. It is said that this dish was cooked by Sichuan people to improve their quality of life on the first day and fifteenth day of the lunar-calendar month.


At that time, people always boiled pork before stir-fry them. In the late Qing Dynasty, a Hanlin Academician (the highest title for scholar in ancient China) with a family name Ling returned home because of his disappointment in official career. He then studied cooking.

当时做法多是先白煮,再爆炒。清末时成都有位姓凌的翰林 ,因宦途失意退隐家居,潜心研究烹饪。

Instead of boiling before frying, he removed the special smell of the pork first, and then steam in a sealing container with stir-frying the pork afterwards. Because of the steaming, much soluble protein still remains. Pork slices have strong taste with bright luster. Therefore, the local dish became popular around the neighbour area and even the whole country.


Ingredients 主料

1.Streaky pork, 400g 五花肉(400克)

2.Green pepper, 2 青椒(2个)

3.Red pepper, 2 红椒(2个)

4.Garlic sprouts, 200g 青蒜(200克)

Seasoning 调料

1.Thick broad-bean sauce, 2 teaspoons


2.Bean sauce, 10g 豆豉(10克)

3.Sugar, 5g 白糖(5克)

4.Chicken essence seasoning 鸡精

5.Peanut oil 花生油

Preparation: 烹饪步骤:

1.Put pork in the unboiled water in wok. Boil pork over a high heat until it become boiled (When you can prick through it with a chopstick). Slice pork when it turns cool.


2.Heat the wok with oil over a high heat. Put pork slices to stir-fry.


3.When pork slices begin to roll up and oil off, put Pixian pea sauce to fry and mix.


4.Put minced bean sauce to stir-fry until aroma released.


5.Add green and red peppers until they are fried.


6.Add garlic sprouts to fry until the aroma come out.


7.Put some sugar and chicken essence powder. Then the dish is ready.



1. The thinner the pork slices are, the easier they roll up.


2. Remember to put the pork in unboiled water before boiling. Ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine could be used to remove the special smell of the pork.


3. Put ingredients and seasonings in the order of the instruction.


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