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​straggle(straggle with)

2024-02-20 01:38 来源:云缪生活 点击:

straggle(straggle with)

问题描述lose one#39s way lose the way lose onesele miss one#39s way miss the way 以上几种,都正确吗解析迷路1 got lost 2 lose one#39s way 3 labyrinth 4 straggle 5 wander 6 went astray 7。

In many science fiction films,the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a struggle between technology,which is beneficent,and the errant will of a depraved intellectual主句the opposition of good and。

基本翻译 fall behind the ranks straggle drop behind drop out 例句1,在革命急速发展的时候,总不免有人要落伍的When the revolution is developing rapidly, some people are bound to fall behind2,这一政治。

落伍有本意和引申义如果是指quot落后quot lag behind sb如果是指quot不再时髦, 过时了quot oldfashioned, outdated, out of fashion, out of date有时说你落伍了,简单一句you are out 就Ok。

1落伍的英文写fall behind the ranks straggle drop behind drop out2例句跟上其他人,别落伍Keep up with the others and dont straggle。

一get lost 英 ɡet l#596st  美 ɡ#603t l#596st迷路迷失方向转向迷航 1No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost 不管你对巴黎多么熟悉,也很容易迷路2Beca。

落伍 out 比喻落在时代潮流的后面fall behind the ranks straggle drop behind out,英文单词,作为形容词时表示外面的,下台的,出局的网络用语“你out了”,表示“你落伍了”。

最简单的 就说 I am out 我落伍了你如说 你的衣服落伍了 你就说 This kind of dress is out of style 这种款式的衣服不时髦了你也可以说out of fashion , be out of date  Outdated,fall behind,落伍。
